Thursday, October 31, 2019

Gay Marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Gay Marriage - Essay Example Connecticut in reality began permitting same-sex marriages in the fall of 2009. In April 2009, Iowa's Supreme Court ruled in favor of permitting same-sex couples to marry, also giving advocates an important first victory in the nation's heartland and thwarting the notion that only the Northeast will permit it. 7 April 2009 the Vermont Legislature made the difference. Jim Douglas's veto of a bill permitting gay couples to marry, mustering precisely enough votes to conserve the measure. This step made Vermont the first state to actually permit same-sex marriage through legislative action instead of the ruling of court. Two more states--New Hampshire and New Jersey--recognize civil unions for same-sex couples; an intermediate step that supporters say has made same-sex marriage seem less scary. New England remains pivotal in same-sex marriage movement, with a campaign under way that will extend marriage rights to gay men and lesbians in all six of the region's states by 2012. The meaning of marriage gets completely redefined when two men marry each other and the same has become an issue that has come to the limelight. Gay marriage is a serious threat and it challenges the nature too and this is because two men can never reproduce and take their generation forward. They can adopt a child but they can never fulfill the gap left, that gap can only be fulfilled by a mother. The divorce rates are extremely high when two men or women marry each other and research goes to prove it. Heterosexual divorces are much less than homosexual divorces and this is another reason why people oppose gay marriages. Gay marriages have also come under intense scrutiny with regard to the tradition that the world has been following for many years. When it comes to mental health, it has been found that Gays are much less healthier than normal people and this is because of their genetic makeup, their way of walking, the way they talk differs from normal people and they are differen t from normal people. The Spread of Immorality The holy Bible is read in almost all the countries and according to the Bible "So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." (Gods Plan for Sexuality). If the Bible is closely read it is clearly found that gay marriages are completely prohibited and against the law of nature. Bible is considered as the holy book for all those who believe in Christianity and homosexuality is ironically spreading predominantly in Europe where Christians are in abundance. This is completely unacceptable and unjust, people have become hypo crates these days, and they say a different thing but practice a completely different thing. It is high time for self reflection, such people must realize that what they are practicing is completely wrong and they must correct their actions. Bible completely rejects the concept of Gay marriage and this should be understood by the people. "If God had intended the human race to be fulfilled through both heterosexual and homosexual marriage, He would have designed our bodies to allow reproduction through both means and made both means of sexual intercourse healthy and natural. Homosexual anal

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Gambino Cleaning Products Salesman System Specification Essay Example for Free

Gambino Cleaning Products Salesman System Specification Essay A new system of calculating and reporting on cleaning products salesmen is to be designed and implemented. Cleaning products salesmen commission is based on a set of data which is the monthly sales of cleaning products sold by the salesmen. Objectives The new system must: * Be automated as far as possible, needing no thorough knowledge of spreadsheets, databases or any other software in order to operate it. * Have fitted controls to ensure precision and completeness of data input. * Take into account commission payments from monthly sales. * Print commission reports for each of the salesmen, and a summary report showing total paid to each salesman and overall total. * Include an option to delete commission records previous to a given date so that the file does not increase for an indefinite period. The proposed new system can be shown in a level 0 data flow diagram as follows: A level 1 Data Flow Diagram of the proposed system is as follows: User functions 1. The Commissioning Salesman in the Sales Department will be responsible for entering all details of new cleaning products salesman and new products. 2. An Accounts clerk will have special responsibility for the commission system. 3. The Accounts clerk will enter each month the sales of each product, giving quantity sold and gross sales value (i.e. quantity X cover price). 4. Every 6 months, the Accounts clerk will produce the Commission reports for each cleaning products salesman. This will show the commission that has been earned in the previous 6 months. A payment is then recorded and a cheque issued to each cleaning products salesman to whom commission is due, together with the Commission statement showing sales details, and the statement from the Accounts system the total amount due. Database specification Menu structure The many functions of the Commission System will be accessed by means of a front-end menu, which will have the following structure. The data model There are three main entities in this system related in the entity relationship diagram shown below. Because a many-to-many relationship cannot be applied in a relational database, an additional entity named Salesman/Product is introduced. The ERD can now be drawn as follows: The database for Gambino cleaning products salesman system specification will have the following tables: tblSalesman (SalesmanID, Surname, FirstName) tblProduct (ProductID, ProductName, SalesTeam, Price) tblSalesman/Product (ProductID, SalesmanID, StandardCommission, BonusCommission) tblSales (SalesNumber, ProductID, Date, QuantitySold, GrossValue) Name Type Meaning Range Where Used tblSalesman Table Salesman Table tblProduct Table Product Table tblSalesman/Product Table Salesman/Product Table tblSales Table Sales Table SalesmanID Text (5) Unique ID Primary key in tblSalesman Foreign key in tblSalesman/Product Surname Text (20) Salesmans Surname tblSalesman Firstname Text (15) Salesmans first name tblSalesman ProductID Text (5) Unique product code Primary key in tblProduct Foreign key in tblSalesman/Product ProductName Text (40) Product title tblProduct SalesTeam Text (40) All salesman who sell a product tblProduct Price Currency Product price tblProduct StandardCommission Number Percentage commission on each product sold 1-10 tblSalesman/Products BonusCommission Number Bonus percentage commission on each products sold 11-20 tblSalesman/Products SalesNumber Number 1=Standard commission 2=Bonus Commission 1 or 2 tblSales QuantitySold Number Number of products sold tblSales GrossValue Currency Data Dictionary Input Specification Three input forms will be required. frmProducts This will be used to enter product details. frmSalesman This will be used to enter details of a salesman and all products on which they receive commission. The commission percentages for each product will be entered in a subform of the main form. Validation methods: The Product ID will be selected from a drop-down list of existing Product IDs. Once a Product ID is entered, the product name will be automatically displayed. frmTransaction This form will be used to enter transactions. Validation methods: Only valid dates will be accepted. The Product ID will be selected from a drop down list of existing Product IDs. Once a Product ID is entered, the product name will be automatically displayed. Selecting a radio button so that only a valid alternative can be selected will choose the transaction type. Process Specification Commission Calculations To calculate the commission for a given transaction, a query has to be performed to combine attributes from tblTransaction, tblProduct, tblProduct/Salesman and tblSalesman. The calculation of the commission is performed as follows: If TransactionType = 1 (i.e sales) ThenRate = StandardCommissionRate ElseRate = BonusCommissionRate endif Amount = Rate * GrossValue These processes will be carried out in qryCommission. This query will be the source of both the commission report and the summary report. Maintenance Each year, transactions prior to a given date will be removed from tblTransactions. This prevents the transaction file from becoming too large and slowing down the system. The maintenance will be carried out as follows: Run a Delete query to delete records from tblTransaction. Test Plan Tests will be carried out using valid and invalid data and data at the extremes of acceptable values.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

World War Ii In Southeast Asia History Essay

World War Ii In Southeast Asia History Essay Japanese occupation in Indochina. The Japanese Invasion of French Indochina, also known as the Vietnam Expedition, was a move of Japanese Empire in September 1940, during the Second Sino-Japanese War, to prevent China from importing arms and fuel through French Indochina, especially through Sino-Vietnam border. With the outbreak of World War II, France was force to withdraw its best troops from Indochina in order to help their force in the war in Europe. Thus, it was a wide open opportunity to the Japanese. Japan saw that French Indochina would need to be protected so that other foreign powers couldnt seek to take advantage of Frances plight. Earlier, Japan demanded the French colonial to close the Hanoi-Kunming railway in order to abandon the shipments of war-related goods from Vietnam to China. Later, the Japanese sought to gain control over the Haiphong-Yunnan railroad so that it could attack the main supply based of Chiang Kai-shek. After the fall of France during World War II, t hat the Japanese seized power from French and occupied the entire Indochina. However, the colony was still administered by Vichy France, but was under the Japanese supervision until a brief period of complete Japanese control between March and August 1945. In Cambodia and Laos, in the short term at least, despite the fact that the French continued to administer these states and to support the traditional rulers, so that there was a limited growth of nationalist feeling compared to other states in the region. In Cambodia, politicization just began during World War II. By the 1940s, Khmer intellectuals had begun to form three institutions including the scholar Buddhist Institute, Cambodias sole French-language high school, and Khmer newspaper Nagara Varta (Angkor Wat). Cambodian feelings were outraged in 1940 after getting back some territories of the north-western provinces from Thailand under the Japanese support. However, the nationalistic movements in Cambodia were slickly under French control. The French and Japanese agreed to let French continued to occupy the Indochina, but Japanese forces could move freely in Indochina. French role was variegated in the growth of Cambodian nationalism. In order to reduce Japanese popular fascination in the country, French began to provide a quasi-nationalist movement to young Cambodians. Simultaneously, French glorified Khmers past and its future in partnership with France. Moreover, French also promoted the status and salary of Cambodians in the g overnment service. Unconsciously, in 1943 they pushed the strong nationalism feelings further by launching a program to replace Khmer traditional writing with a roman alphabet. The Buddhist sangha and intellectuals protested against this program because they considered that this was an attack on Khmer traditional learning and cultural heritage. The feeling of anti-French continued until the Japanese seized control of government in March 1945, and the Romanization was cancelled. In April 1945, the Japanese provide independent to Cambodia, but after the surrender of Japan in August 1945, there was no next step for Cambodia independent. Furthermore, there was still no anti-colonial movement in Cambodia such as national movements emerged in Vietnam and Indonesia in 1945. In June 1940, after the Fall of France, Laos was controlled by the Axis-puppet Vichy France government which was under the supervision of the Japanese. Most of Laos stayed under the control of French supervision until March 1945. Before March 1945, French had brought significant changes to Laos. A National renovation movement was assembled; schools and other amenities were built; Lao music, dance and literature were promoted. Moreover, First Lao newspaper was also emerged at that time. The nationalistic movement arose as well, especially in the Lao lowlanders. On 9 March, 1945, Japanese occupied Laos, so Laos stayed under the administration of French along with Japanese supervision. During the Japanese occupation of Laos, enormous amount of French officials were imprisoned. At the same time, King Sisavang Vong, who tried to declare independence of Laos and accepted Laos under the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity sphere, were put into the prison as well. Japan continued to rule Laos de spite constant civil unrest against it until it was force to withdraw from Indochina after the Japanese surrender in August 1945. The Japanese occupied Vietnam from September 1940 until the end of World War II. Japan came to Vietnam with the policy Asia for Asians and Japanese forces took only a week to control Vietnam. However, Japan still left the French colonial government there, because Japan could not provide enough men to occupy the entire of Vietnam. Japan left the French in charge and developed Vietnam as its client state. The French continued to colonize Indochina, but ultimate political and military power was not in their hands. Japanese demanded for resources and had priority over French policies. Thus, Japanese troops could freely access to Vietnams roads, rail network and ports, so that the Japanese could conquer Thailand and Burma easily. During the Japanese occupation, the Vietnamese were told that the Japanese were not conquerors, but liberators Japan would drive away the white imperialists out of Asia. Simultaneously, Japanese language course were introduced; Japanese films, literature and poe try were translate into local language as well. However, Vietminh considered Japanese as number one enemy. It was notable that the Vietnamese Communists rose up in the 1930s, before the arrival of Japanese. However, the arrival of Japan made Vietnamese Communists felt that there was no hope for them to demand for getting any power. Their numbers remained small and the French was trying to eliminate the political force that was considered as a threat to their role in Vietnam as well. As the war advanced and the altered of the political environment, it was an opportunity for the Vietnamese Communist-Nationalists. The Vietnamese was trying to develop its force in order to seize the power at the end of the war. By June 1945, Ho Chi Minh felt strong enough to create a Viet Minh-controlled area in north-western Vietnam. By August, Viet Minh forces seized the control of Japanese-held villages and towns. In early August, the Japanese forces prepared to leave after the Japanese surrender in World War II. Within days, Vietminh forces took control of most of northern and central Vietnam and declared Vietnams independence On 2 September 1945 in Hanoi. Exceptional case: Thailand Thailand was the most interesting country among Southeast Asian nations during the colonial period as well as the period of World War II because it was the only state in the region that was not under the foreign colonization. At the beginning of World War II, Thailand was under the control of an authoritarian government which was led by Prime Minister Phibun. In that regime, the government supported the restoration of the territories in Cambodia and Laos, and they rose up anti-French sentiment in the country as well. Phibun was trying to keep closer relations with Japan in order to seek support against France. In October 1940, a conflict between Thai and French forces broke out along Thailands eastern border. Then, it was a good opportunity for Japan to intervene to mediate the conflict. Japan used its influence with the Vichy regime in France to gain concessions for Thailand. As a result, France agreed to give away western part of Laos and most of Cambodian Battambang province to Th ailand. The restoration of Thai lost territory increased Phibuns reputation in Thailand. However, Japan wanted to maintain the relationship with Vichy, so that Thailand was forced to get only a quarter of its demanded land. In addition, they had to pay six millions piasters as a concession to the French. Relations between Japan and Thailand became tense; then Phibun turned to courting the British and Americans instead. In December 1941, Japan moved its troops into Thailand and demanded the rights to access through Thailand to invade British Burma and Malaya. Thai troops resisted but later the Phibuns government called for ceasefire. After that, a mutual offensive-defensive alliance pact between Thailand and Japan was signed and Thai entered a military alliance with Japan. Japanese troops were allowed to move freely in Thailand; however, Thailand still controlled its own armed forces as well as internal affairs. In January 1942, Thais declared war on Britain and the United States bec ause of the Japan pressure. Meanwhile, Japan had put its troops in Thailand and built the infamous Death Railway by using many Asian labour forces as well as allied prisoners of war. According to M. Walsh (2005), the Japanese engineers predicted that Death Railway would be completed in five years. However, the Japanese army forced the prisoners to finish this railway in only sixteen months. The causalities in the construction were very high there were about 12,400 deaths among the total 61, 700 labour forces. In 1943, there was tense situation between Japan and Thailand, and many Thai people began to against Japan. Because of the war, Thailand had experienced the economic disruption as well. In July 1944, Phibun resigned from office and left Thailand with the problem of preparing Thailand for an Allied victory. Thai politicians were under the controlled of Japanese until August 1945 Japanese surrender in World War II.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Composting Essay -- Environment, Waste

Composting process as a means of bioremediating the harmful waste can be assessed in terms of its hygienic aspect since the effect of its quality is indicative of its essentiality and feasibility in the environment. Hygienic relevance of composting is primarily related to the microbes functioning as composters, the dust aerosols in the ambient air of the compost pile, and the type, concentration and state of the waste to be degraded. In terms of its hygienic feature, the compost may pose threat to human health as it generates immune response in living systems possibly triggered by leftover microbes, dust and target compounds to be treated in the compost matter. Although many of the toxins and pathogens are diminished to a great number, the presence of pathogens in the compost might be able to contaminate the food chain as plants get into contact with it. Composting is an acknowledged pathogen reducing technique, but certainly not an eradication system. Also the management of the pr ocess and heterogeneous pile conditions in compost may pose particular challenge concerning the biosafety of this process. Composting has been successfully adopted but enough biological research is lacking on the biosecurity of this process. Accordingly regarding the microbial profile of the compost, the experimental studies and characterization of microbes with respect to hygienic relevance by various scientists are discussed and reviewed as under. Introduction Composting is the process of biodegrading the waste material in which an enormous number of materials like hydrocarbons, nitrogenous compounds, acids, their derivatives and even other organic and inorganic substances can be remediated from the environment (Finstein et al., 1986). Compost pro... ... Studies have shown that the presence of pathogens in a final compost may contaminate the food chain with the incomplete compost product provoking the growth of pathogenic microbes or keeping them alive and vigorous. Most notably, human pathogens like Aeromonas, Aspergillus fumigatus, A. terreus, Cryptosporidium and Giardia cysts, Enterococcus faecalis, Geotrichum candidum, GeoBacillus stearothermophilus, G. thermoglucosidasi, Klebsiella, Listeria monocytogenes, Pseudomonas, Saccharomonospora and Saccharopolyspora, Salmonella typhimurium, Shigella, Thermoactinomyces, Thermobifida, and Bacillus sp. being thermophilic and sporulating species still persist in a variety of compost. Studies are going on to give a better and ultimate solution view on the parameters for the eradication of various pathogenic strains activated or evolved during the process of composting.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Moral Courage Essay

Moral courage is a concept means doing the right thing, it means listening to conscience that what does it saying. Standing on what believe. Moral courage has three major elements witch are principle, endurance and danger. it means moral courage and doing right things make us in the risk, we may face fear and danger for example with losing o job and security, reputation or etc. But falling in the risk is not matter because we follow our conscience and it is important because I believe that conscience is based on values and show us the way to be human. Moral courage is standing up for values such as honesty, fairness, compassion, respect and responsibility but just having these values are not enough we have to try to put them into practice and we have to commitment to moral principles as well, so in the practice we may face with danger and we have to confidence to endure hardship, suffer and sacrifice. In this sense we can see moral courage in action. According to Kennedy (1956) moral courage is â€Å"the Basis of All Human Morality.† he mentioned that Courageous men do as they do because they love themselves, they respect themselves and their reputation for integrity and their personal standard of their ethics all are more important than their popularity with others or desire to maintain their offices. For having these all values they have to fall in the risk as it done with senator George Norris, with Nelson Mandela and Malala Youssafzai, that all of them stood on what they believed and what they knew that is right. They struggled for higher purpose and having greater values such as human rights and for justice and they found these straggle as their duty to fulfill their obligation. So as consequence we saw that all of them faced with challenges and danger and they endured hardship situation but they could to have significant acheivement. for World War 1 that was started in 1914, US government declared that they would remain neutral but in reality it was not like this and US supported England by carrying guns through Armed Merchant ships and was against German so after German submarines sank three American Merchant Ships in 1917, president Wilson declared for entering into WW1 and asked for congressional approval. Senator Norris was opposing of US entre into World Ward 1 so he filibustered the Armed merchant Ship bill and he faced with very hardship situation and condemned by American press but he didn’t gave up and he believed on the rightness of his course, he was not care about holding his office he just listened to his conscience and tried to say truth to people. So finally he did and informed people about the reality that is behind of this policy he said that these ships used for carrying war supplier to England and country try to enter in the war because of financial benefits of a certain groups of people. Senator Norris did a moral courage action because he said the truth to the people he knew about the terrible result of involving in the WW1 and he believed that war brings no prosperity to great mass of people so his consciences made him to make judgment although his political career was under risk but he pursued justice. Regarding Nelson Mandela, I have to say that he struggled against apartheid and racial discrimination and inequality. Many movements and protests were raised with his leadership against Apartheid and he also joint to Afghan National Congress and tried to provide equality for the black people and give them their rights but he understood that these kind of nonviolent protests or movements do not work in the society that is commanded by group of people who doesn’t follow their conscience so he decided to involve in sabotage and planned for armed struggle. When he arrested by state, he and his fellows didn’t deny his involvement in sabotage and armed struggle he said the truth and he indicted state for discrimination, for inequality, for abuse of black people’s right and freedom. He said that state should feel guilty. Mandela wanted a light future for black people and the basic rights which were neglected by state. He wanted a society that all people can live together in a peace and harmony. In the court he spoke up with integrity and truth as a result he could bring prosperity for black people. He suffered and endured 27 years of his life in prison for his vision and when he was elected as a president, he focused on fostering racial reconciliation and forgiving his oppressors in Apartheid regime. Above all show his moral courage struggle and even after he came to power as president. Malala Youssafzai also was another example who stood on women right for education as it was banded by Talban regime. First she understood that it is her right to continue her education and wanted this right for other girls as well so she tried to speak up and stand on her right. She followed and listed to her conscience and believed that this is right. She had many speeches to explain and inform others that what is happening under Taliban regime and as a result she shot by Taliban and had very hardship situation but after recovery she didn’t give up and straggled for women’s right until she could influence on girl’s accessibility to education in Pakistan.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

MRI Contrast Agents

â€Å"MRI contrast is used for a variety of reasons.   Primarily, it is used to improve the detection of disease; that is, to increase sensitivity and diagnostic confidence, to enhance the ability to differentiate normal and abnormal tissue; and to identify the extent of the disease† (Muroff, 2001).Contrast agents are chemical substances used in anatomical or functional imaging for the purpose of increasing visual differences between normal and abnormal tissue.   These chemical substances are used to alter relaxation times.   Contrast agents are classified by changes in relaxation times after injection.There are six main categories of MRI contrast agents: Gastrointestinal, Intravenous, Intravascular (blood pool), Tumor-specific, and Reticuloendothelial contrast agents.Within the Gastrointestinal contrast agent category, there two subcategories: Positive and Negative contrast agents.Positive contrast agents cause a reduction in T1 relaxation times.   These agents appear brightly on images.   They may contain Manganese, Iron or Gadolinium as active elements.Positive contrast agents have three classifications: Paramagnetic agents, short T1-relaxation agents, and a combination of the two.Paramagnetic contrast agents have magnetic centers which create magnetic fields.   These fields interact with water protons, and have a larger effect on relaxation rates.   They include ferric chloride and gadolinium, which cause T1 and T2 shortening.   In low concentrations, T1 shortening holds the domination of the intensity of the signal.   In high concentrations, T2 shortening causes the signal to decrease.   At mid-level concentration, T1 and T2 shortening show an increase in the signal on T1 weighted images, and decreased the signal on T2 weighted images.Short T1-relaxation agents include mineral oil and oil emulsions.   In these agents, protons relax faster than protons in water, which results in short T1 time.   In bowels with T1 weighted imag es, a bright signal is apparent.Combinations include emulsion oil that contains corn oil and ferric ammonium citrate, and an emusion containing baby formula with ferrous sulfate.   Combination contrast agents distribute evenly through the bowels.Negative contrast agents will appear largely dark on images.   They are frequently called superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO).   They have shorter T1 and T2 relaxation times.Negative contrast agents have three classifications: diamagnetic agents, superparamagnetic agents, and perfluorochemicals.One readily available diamagnetic contrast agent is barium sulfate suspension.   It reduces the loss of bowel signals, resulting in improved pancreatic visualization.Superparamagnetic contrast agents are generally administered orally.   They include magnelite albumin microspheres and superparamagnetic iron oxide.   A large loss of the signal in the stomach and small bowels that give immense visualization of the pancreas and anterior renal margins.   This contrast agent type â€Å"accumulates in the reticuloendothelial system of the liver, and darkens healthy liver tissue in T2-weighted images† ( are organic compounds that replace protons with fluorine.   They are a special group of negative contrast agents that appear completely dark on images, because they do not contain hydrogen atoms, which are responsible for the signal in MRIs.   In gastrointestinal imaging, the purpose of perfluorochemicals is to give a complete signal absence in the bowels.Intravenous contrast agents include both ionic and nonionic chelates.   When using paramagnetic metal ions as contrast agents, there is a high level of toxicity in the doses required for imaging.   Chelates reduce the chances of long term toxicity by reducing the toxic levels.Intravascular contrast agents remain in the blood longer than most other contrast agents.   They are highly useful in diagnosis imaging that may require longer imaging times.Tumor-Specific contrast agents are targeted to tumors.   There are four main types of tumor-specific agents:Metalloporphyrins target multiple types of tumors, such as melanomas and lymphomas.Monoclonal antibodies are for specific tumors such as colon carcinomas.Ferrioxamine is a paramagnetic agent used for the kidneys and urinary tract.Nitroxides are also paramagnetic agents, but are not widely used.Reticuloendothelial contrast agents are used in liver, spleen and lymph node MRIs.   In liver and spleen imaging, specific contrast agents are used that target the reticuloendothelial system of the liver and spleen.   Because of the inability of most imagers to differentiate between normal and abnormal lymph nodes, USPIO has become widely used.   USPIO allows imagers to have the ability to differentiate between lymph nodes.â€Å"In cases where it is difficult to differentiate two types of tissue, because the signal intensity they produce is so similar, the s olution is to add a contrast agent to one of them in order to distinguish it from the other tissue† (GE Healthcare, 2007).   MRI contrast agents affect hydrogen atoms and the time they take to return to their original state, thereby increasing the signal intensity differences between the tissue with the contrast agent and the tissue without the contrast agent.   This results in an increase of contrasts on the image.ReferencesGE Healthcare (accessed January 13, 2007) Plus (revised March 2000) (accessed January 13, 2007), Lawrence R. (Aug. 2001) â€Å"MRI Contrast: Current Agents and Issues† Applied Radiology Online (vol. 30, No. 8) www.appliedradiology.comRunge, Val M. (Aug. 2001) â€Å"The Safety of MR Contrast Media: A Literature Review† Applied Radiology Online (Vol. 30, No. 8)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Farewell to Arms

Farewell to Arms were very tenuously connected with World War I. Thus, literary works of almost all Western European and American writers in the first half the 20th century depicted the war and its aftermath. Ernest Hemingway, an outstanding American writer of the 20th century, says such words concerning a military theme: "This is one of the most important issues and, moreover, the most difficult to give a truthful account of the incidents, and the writers who have not seen war, always envy veterans and try to convince themselves and others the war theme is insignificant or unnatural, whereas, in fact, they have missed a chance" (Oldsey, 1979). It was World War I that shaped Hemingway as a writer. The leading line of his works is inextricably linked with anti-war themes. Hemingway considers a war being a tragedy. Dethroning the notion of patriotism, honor, duty, and other values, the writer has showed all the inhumane nature of war. One of his novels is the novel "A Farewell to Arms." This novel is notable of its small size, it is still amazing how this work is full of content. The author puts in the novel a set of problems and issues, such as an intellectual in the war, people's attitude to the war, religion and war, morality and war, the influence of propaganda on the public and others (Rovit et al., 1986). In the novel "A Farewell to Arms" Hemingway gives a very broad generalization, shows how external historical events affect the lives of people. For him, as for many of the "Lost Generation", the war has become the personification of the evil in the world, the moment at which the history of the 20th century has really begun. Through the "arms" Hemingway shows how a strong character of the "Lost Generation" was formed. The protagonist of the novel Frederic Henry is serving as a Lieutenant. The Tenentes image is dynamic and the readers see him during the accumulation of his life and spiritual experience. And in the course of it, a radical change has come about in the ideological position of the character. Henry at the beginning and Henry at the end of the novel are two different people. The characters story is inextricably linked with the story of another character Catherine Barkley and by means of it the novel "A Farewell to Arms" widely differs from those anti-war novels. Henry and Catherine Barkleys story of love forms one of the plot lines of the novel. The second story line is those external events, which have been a fruitful cause for the following dynamics in changing of the main heros characters. These external events are represented by World War I. And that war turns to dust peoples dreams about welfare. Furthermore, the theme of love goes through the great and terrible topic of war. Both themes keep blending and are closely interwoven with each other. It seems as the lyric line arises from the war and finds its significance as the story unfolds. Henrys maturing decision to bid farewell to arms is getting stronger along with his growing feelings for Catherine Barkley. Military relationships and lyrical lines are traced even in the sequence of events. Meetings with Catherine always alternate with frontline episodes, and each episode with Catherine and Henrys serious relationship has a simultaneous tense military episode. Indeed, Hemingway creates a special mood again, changes the environment in which there are Frederick and Catherine. This time, he uses the ordinary phenomenon of nature―rain.Ordinary rain becomes a symbol―a symbol of bad weather, when a person feels so uncomfortable, cold, and dank. Because of the rain, the slush on the road hampers the priest's movement (in the second chapter of the book), its shape reminds us the very clay or dust of which we came and to which we all will return: She was crying. I comforted her and she stopped crying. But outside it kept on raining (Hemingway, 1987). That is, the main reason that could cause something bad to happen has not been obviated. This obstacle is a universal flood, which in the form of rain claims its rights to people's lives (Lukacs, 1964). Now, after all the mishaps are finally safe and embraced by his beloved, Frederick is mentally developing his outlook and comes to a conclusion that there is the unalterable law, which predominates over human destinies. This young man, who has never been deep in thought, is obliged to sum up his life experience, and complain about the circumstances, which are showing that way: If people bring so much courage to this world the world has to kill them to break them, so of course it kills them. The world breaks every one and afterward many are strong at the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these you can be sure it will kill you too but there will be no special hurry (Hemingway, 1987). Moreover, there comes a rainy night. Hemingway again needs this symbol of universal inclement weather to emphasize that danger was in store for the main characters, and after a moment's respite, they will be faced other severe trials. But if the last time the rain has just beaten against the window, now it intrudes into a cozy refuge, bringing cold and anxiety along: That night there was a storm and I woke to hear the rain lashing the windowpanes. It was coming in the open window. Someone had knocked on the door. I went to the door very softly, not to disturb Catherine, and opened it. The barman stood there. He wore his overcoat and carried his wet hat. "Can I speak to you, Tenente?" "What's the matter?" "It's a very serious matter." I looked around. The room was dark. I saw the water on the floor from the window (Hemingway, 1987). This puddle under the window is a symbol of a leak, water inrush and a hole in the tiny boat of love. Unfathomable reason and virtues that determine what are fated to people, have broken the front where two lovers tries to hold out against these forces. But the idea of Hemingway is not to help the characters to go through the mill and leave them enjoying themselves lately. Yet this story is made up, the reality sometimes is able to propose the fishiest stories. Hemingway has been fully aware that the world is filled with the most absurd fears, tragedies, disasters, and diseases. The story of Catherine and Frederick has started during the war, which attaches great importance and tension to it. But the great hopes of lovers are destroyed by the vulnerable physiology of our body (Catherine has died after cesarean section) not war. This could happen even in times of peace. A trap to where people may get could be different, like in the case of illness and (or) accidents, - because they are mortal: Poor, poor dear Cat. And this was the price you paid for sleeping together. This was the end of the trap. This was what people got for loving each other. Thank God for gas, anyway. What must it have been like before there were anaesthetics? Once it started, they were in the millrace. Catherine had a good time in the time of pregnancy. It wasn't bad. She was hardly ever sick. She was not awfully uncomfortable until toward the last. So now they got her in the end. You never got away with anything. Get away hell! (Hemingway, 1987). Hemingway believes that the search for intellectual values should be started during the trials and tribulations or at the time of collision of the cruelty of nature. Just facing something that thrills every particle of ones frame, people realize their incredible fragile and that one mistake could cost them their lives. So, being horror-stricken at it, people think that their thoughts, feelings, moods, impressions, tenderness, love and happiness come to an end (Donaldson, 1977). It is no coincidence that the religious world suggests the opposite side: that there is more to it than that and this world is only a preparation, a prelude of the immortal soul. But a person does not understand this, because he has taken the print of the life itself and he is alarmed by the uncertainty. Frederick is more inclined to believe that there is nothing after death. During his sleepless nights, he has known nothing. Death is the summit of nothing. It follows that whatever mode of behavior or personal faith you have taken it will serve faithfully, and will never fail you even in the face of death: Poor little kid. I wished the hell I'd been choked like that. No I didn't. Still there would not be all this dying to go through. Now Catherine would die. That was what you did. You died. You did not know what it was about. You never had time to learn. They threw you in and told you the rules and the first time they caught you off base they killed you. Or they killed you gratuitously like Aymo. Or gave you the syphilis like Rinaldi. But they killed you in the end. You could count on that. Stay around and they would kill you (Hemingway, 1987). The character by self-discipline and understanding of his vulnerability tends to give any form of his shapelessness existence. He has found this form in soldier's training and faithful love. The last page shows that Henry is alone again, he is on his own, but he has changed, gained in strength of the war and the shadow of love. He will never be the same, because the moment of simplicity of his thoughts and feelings has been lost forever. There are the codes of self-discipline and experience that develop Fredericks outlook. This applies not only to his private tragedy, but also to life in general. Internal discipline and bitter experience can make much of life and restore order in a great deal of confusion of human existence (Delmore, 1950). To sum up, Hemingway is not a genius, who has opened a new man, but at least some parts of human life become a reality, and it gives him an opportunity to have power over the intellects. The writer has opened the new reality of rambling and superficial human conversation that has deep implication. Also, Hemingway has drawn the attention to how people talk, lying in bed, and found that they are talking about everything. This conversation of lovers is the most powerful tool in the novel "A Farewell to Arms". Hemingways concept of love of a modern Western man stands beyond these conversations.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Reasons For the failure of disarmament Essay Example

Reasons For the failure of disarmament Essay Example Reasons For the failure of disarmament Essay Reasons For the failure of disarmament Essay Do you agree ? Agree that disarmament failed mainly due to the role of America . One of the aims of the League Of Nations (LOON) was to promote disarmament to ensure world peace e. Unfortunately , the US did not join the LOON due to its policy of isolationism . This was a big bal owe to the League which was deprived of the strongest country at that point of time . The us without US , the league was unable to carry out their economic sanctions successfully. In a edition , it had no Amy to carry out military sanctions . Thus although the LOON advocated cool active security, most nations were unwilling to put their national security under the LOON . In f act, Britain and France saw the LOON as a platform to discuss things and did not take things SE rigorously . Therefore the countries had no faith in disarmament and it failed. However there are other reasons for the failure of disarmament . Selfish nation ins that seek to protect their own individual security also led to the failure of disarmament . B retain and France had a huge empire to defend and thus could not afford to disarm , they also f let threatened by unionism Russia and were wary of Germany and Italy becoming a potential threat in Europe. Japan also needed to arm herself to defend against European land grab bibbing Specific . Another reason for the failure of disarmament is that ambitious and aggressive eve nations like Japan , Italy were unwilling to disarm because of their desire to expand their e empire and include more territories for various reasons Germany felt that the treaty of v resales had unfairly stripped her of much.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Analysis Of The Indian Jewellery Industry

Analysis Of The Indian Jewellery Industry Role in Indian Economy The Gems and Jewellery (G it is also the processes 90% of the diamonds by pieces (55 percent by value of the global market) – largest consumer. The Gems and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) is responsible for sustaining the new initiatives in the sector(Public enterprise). The industry holds prominent significance as it is a net exporter and provides employment to 1.3 million people directly and indirectly. India is also emerging as the world’s largest trading centre for gold targeting US$ 16 billion by 2010. GJ market contributes 16 per cent of total exports, making it a significant foreign exchange earner for the country. Growth Potential Jewellery Retail Sourcing from the skill to the ability to innovate and develop. Currently, India’s G&J industry is highly unorganized and fragmented with 96 percent of the total players being family owned businesses. The gold processing industry has around 15,000 players, with only 80 having revenues over USD 5 million. India is also home to around 450,000 goldsmiths, 100,000 gold jewelers along with 6,000 diamond processing players and 8,000 diamond jewelers. Consumers have started shifting towards branded jewelery, which offers higher quality and saves the consumers from unfair trade practices in the industry. The emergence of jewelry retail chains provide customers with convenience and assurance of quality. The organized gems and jewellery sector is expected to progress with a good pace in near future, and should hopefully account for nearly 8% of the total gems and jewellery market by 2009-10. The Branded jewellery segment is also expected to have a high growth rate. The key drivers for the industry growth are raising disposable income, conscious marketing efforts, rising young population with urge to spend and jewellery being increasingly regarded as fashion accessory. The entry of foreign players is also likely to increase competition and provide consumers with g reater choice. As Indian gem and jewelry exports have grown to $17 billion, the industry has witnessed an annual average growth rate of about 15-20 percent. EXPORTS The gems and jewellery industry provides a shining example of achieving international competitiveness. The bulk of the Indian GJ exports comprises import of rough diamonds, their cutting and polishing in India, and re-export. CPDs(Cut-Polished-Diamonds) accounted for 71.1% of India’s GJ exports during FY2006, followed by gold jewellery (23.2%), rough diamonds (3.4%), coloured gemstones (1.4%), and non-gold jewellery (0.9%). Thus, these two items-CPDs and gold jewellery- accountrd for around 96% of India’s GJ exports.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Caterpillar Currency Issues Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Caterpillar Currency Issues - Case Study Example Shifting currency rates are always a risk to a firm and can lead to the firm incurring many losses. However, by understanding the problem, the business is able to look at the way in which the market can be looked at and come up with solutions (Wihlborg, 2008). In Caterpillar’s case, the firm was able to reverse the adverse effects of a strong dollar by removing these processes, especially production and manufacturing functions to other countries thus neutralizing the transaction risks. This helped the firm to be able to able to overcome the shocks caused by currency exchange rates. This was achieved in two ways as follows; Hedging labour and production costs This can be understood by looking at the actual reason why high dollar values in the 1980s had affected the revenues and profits of Caterpillar. To begin with, since Caterpillar’s manufacturing units were located in the United States only, strong dollar meant that its manufacturing costs would be higher than the man ufacturing costs of its competitors who were outside the United States. As a result, its products would have to be more expensive because when buyers in foreign countries would have to pay more once they converted their lowly valued currencies into American dollars. This meant that Caterpillar’s products could not be competitively priced as compared to those of the competitors. Hedging revenues Manufacturing costs were not the only issue affecting Caterpillar. By taking its manufacturing to other countries, the issues of high dollar value was solved. Not only did the manufacturing costs not get affected by the high US dollar values, but the firms would also be able to source raw materials locally and thus hedge the revenues. According to Delaney and Whittington (2010), this kind of hedging can be important where the firm needs to protect itself from unpredictable currency rates. By manufacturing in foreign countries and sourcing the raw materials in foreign countries, it mean t that the profits margins would be stable because the sales and the profits would be measured by the same foreign currencies. As a result, it can be said that Caterpillar overcomes this issue by localizing its operations in foreign markets rather than having the operations centralised in the US. This, according to Madhuvij (2006) is what is called thinking globally and acting locally. Caterpillar looked at the market from a global perspective because its products have markets in the global arena, but to be effective, the firm had to look at each local market individually. The strategy As identified, Caterpillar used the think global, act local strategy. This is a strategy which is being used by so many global firms which have to contend with so many challenges caused by the very same opportunities caused by a global market. Globalisation has brought opportunities for many forms but has also brought with it challenges which firms must be able to overcome if they are to benefit from the opportunities brought about by globalisation. This is the situation which Caterpillar has found itself in. For firms to be able to benefit from the opportunities brought about by globalization, they have to create strategies which will turn challenges into opportunities. This is what Caterpillar realised and started working towards creating a way to help it overcome its challenges. The validity of the strategy As it is with any business strategy, this strategy may be seen to have both advantages and disadvantages. It is the balance between the advantages and the disadvantages which make a strategy to be either worth it or not. As per the Caterpillar strategy, the main advantage is the fact that distributing its

The Israelis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Israelis - Essay Example The contradiction in Israel is, the ordinary Jewish citizens are a preferred lot over their Arab compatriots. Along with the rigid religious establishment, a thriving lesbian and gay community exists. In this book, Donna Rosenthal, has taken pains to interview a heterogeneous section of the people-- Jewish, Arab, men and women, secular and religious, with their fears and hopes, enthusiasm and disillusionment, willing acceptance of challenges and also expressing defiance†¦how Israel makes efforts to transform itself into an ultra-modern state, to stand shoulder to shoulder and challenge the world powers, to tell—not we also count—but better take us into account! Nation building from the scratch is not an ordinary process. Striking a balance between the orthodox and ultra-modern of the same religious group is all the more difficult. Interaction between the two has to happen often. Rosenthal writes about the strange meetings thus: â€Å"An electrical engineer with a long ponytail is eating pasta with a bearded orthodox man in a knit kippa. At the salad bar, two women programmers chat in Russian.†(p.126) Immodestly dressed women in Jerusalem streets are abused by the orthodox. Rosenthal writes, â€Å"Some men wear their short, others dangle them below their ears. Signs in their haredi neighborhood warn women to dress modestly, not to expose much skin. Blouses cover them from collarbone to wrists.†(p.174) In the matter of worship the male-female division is enforced strictly. â€Å"In haredi and orthodox synagogues, men and women sit apart so they will not be distracted from prayers. In haredi synagogues, women sit in balconies o r behind curtains.†(p.182) In the same city, you have modern entrepreneurs engaged in research for high-tech industrial products. Children of Bedouin families and Israeli Arab—both have problems in establishing their identities in a Jewish

Dissent & altruism are a matter of personal conviction, but Essay

Dissent & altruism are a matter of personal conviction, but situational factors are involved also. Analyze five (5) situational - Essay Example However, conformity gives us a basis to make decisions, yet it may lead to bad decisions if information is withheld to challenge the consensus. Dissent is a sentiment or a philosophy of non-agreement or opposition to a prevailing idea. It is important for a healthy society not only to protect the interests of individuals but also to encourage dissent. This beats dogmas or pragmatism and brings a fresh change to the overall environment. It is easier for people to abide by prevailing customs and phenomena; even if they are out-dated or cliched and regressive for society. However, it is in the power of a few individuals to dissent from the existing customs and bring about a positive social change in society. The changing dynamics in workplace and private and public circles constantly raise such issues that need to be handled with altruism and dissent- though peer pressure and dogmas dictate our thinking and thus our actions. Following are a few situations that have called for altruism a nd dissent and the way people responded to it. 1.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Develop an ethics program for a company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Develop an ethics program for a company - Essay Example s regard, the government also puts in considerable amounts as donations to the non-profits that help the government in rendering public services and other socially-relevant works. There are many issues involved when doing non-profit work but foremost among them is the proper and accurate handling of donated funds. This means there should be proper accounting and audits of where the funds were spent and whether these funds achieved their intended purpose. When government funds are involved, then more reason for a consultancy firm to have a code of ethics adopted as early as possible. This should ideally be put in place before any of the criticisms from various stakeholders get loud enough (especially coming from politicians) to severely impede the effectiveness of these non-profit organizations to do their work. It can only mean the consultants will not deal with non-profits which have questionable dealings and other activities which do not jive with their stated public service mandate. There are practical and great reasons why a code of ethics should be put in place and primary among the reasons is that it is very easy to misrepresent the organization in the name of supporters, donors or the beneficiaries (Horton & Roche, 2010, p. 79). If funds are misused, credibility suffers. Management consultants follow their own code of conduct when dealing with clients. In particular, a consultancy firm that deals mostly with non-profit organizations which derive their funding mostly from government donations must pay close attention to how these funds were obtained from the donating government agency and how proper the disbursements were. This paper talks on the broader responsibilities of management consultants and will discuss on the ethical aspects of providing consultancy services to government-funded non-profit groups. My three-member company will adopt a code of ethics built along the following line, namely: Client Services – all employees of the consultancy

Capturing Customers with right Message Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Capturing Customers with right Message - Essay Example However, the likely disadvantage is that the business may not be able to cope with the demand of customers intending to redeem their coupons if the number is too high. On the other hand, the advantage of the service to the customer is that it is convenient since everything is done electronically. The main disadvantage is that in the event that the phone is lost, all data including the coupons are lost. This may result in loses. I strongly support the approach of using electronic coupons since it is a convenient way of networking. The customers need to network with different businesses and other consumers such that they can exchange information about products offered on the market (Kotler & Armstrong, 2010). I have experienced this when I learnt about different products on the market through networking with friends using cell phones. This can be improved if the company stores all the contact details in its database. When it is promoting a certain item, then it can automatically send the message to all the customers in the database. The response is likely to be

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Dissent & altruism are a matter of personal conviction, but Essay

Dissent & altruism are a matter of personal conviction, but situational factors are involved also. Analyze five (5) situational - Essay Example However, conformity gives us a basis to make decisions, yet it may lead to bad decisions if information is withheld to challenge the consensus. Dissent is a sentiment or a philosophy of non-agreement or opposition to a prevailing idea. It is important for a healthy society not only to protect the interests of individuals but also to encourage dissent. This beats dogmas or pragmatism and brings a fresh change to the overall environment. It is easier for people to abide by prevailing customs and phenomena; even if they are out-dated or cliched and regressive for society. However, it is in the power of a few individuals to dissent from the existing customs and bring about a positive social change in society. The changing dynamics in workplace and private and public circles constantly raise such issues that need to be handled with altruism and dissent- though peer pressure and dogmas dictate our thinking and thus our actions. Following are a few situations that have called for altruism a nd dissent and the way people responded to it. 1.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Capturing Customers with right Message Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Capturing Customers with right Message - Essay Example However, the likely disadvantage is that the business may not be able to cope with the demand of customers intending to redeem their coupons if the number is too high. On the other hand, the advantage of the service to the customer is that it is convenient since everything is done electronically. The main disadvantage is that in the event that the phone is lost, all data including the coupons are lost. This may result in loses. I strongly support the approach of using electronic coupons since it is a convenient way of networking. The customers need to network with different businesses and other consumers such that they can exchange information about products offered on the market (Kotler & Armstrong, 2010). I have experienced this when I learnt about different products on the market through networking with friends using cell phones. This can be improved if the company stores all the contact details in its database. When it is promoting a certain item, then it can automatically send the message to all the customers in the database. The response is likely to be

History of education Essay Example for Free

History of education Essay Learning is a natural ability that is wired into many animals DNA; the way that humans should learn has been debated by the various educators because of the endless ways to teach. Teachers and parents take this matter seriously like Ralph Waldo Emerson in â€Å"From Education† and Todd Gitlin in â€Å"The Liberal Arts in an Age of Info-Glut† who created essays on education; and Billy Collins in â€Å"The History Teacher† entail for then and who wrote a poem concerned with the status of education. These people show what the importance of education is entailing what learning should and should not involve; a teacher should respect and have patience for children; a teacher should also let a child have creativity and lessons of the past. Many teens do not respect their teacher which might be because the teacher does not respect them; as the golden rule goes, â€Å"treat others the way you would treat yourself†; Ralph Waldo Emerson in â€Å"From Education† would probably agree with this quote because he strongly believes that, â€Å"the secret of [e]ducation lies in respecting the pupil,† (page 102). Shows that Emerson understood what children are thinking then did something to help them by simply respecting them. Another big issue with education is patience; some people do not have enough patience to guide children to what they are supposed to learn. Emerson also believes that patience is an important part in education, â€Å"to regard the young [children, they require] no doubt, rare patience: a patience that nothing but faith in medial forces of the soul can give,† Emerson was trying to say that someone has to really care in order to teach information to children (page 105). Some people do not see the point in having art classes or history classes; the reason why is because art assists students to express themselves in a way that words cannot along with helping them find out what kind of person they truly are; and history is needed to teach children where they originated from; and to show them mistakes that other people in the past made so they will not make them again. Todd Gitlin in â€Å"The Liberal Arts in an Age of Info-Glut† agrees with this â€Å"[students] need some orientation to philosophy, history, language, literature, music, and arts that have lasted more than 15 minutes,† (page 156). Because students need the outlet to express themselves; or if they do not they would not learn morals then they would become exactly  what people were trying to stop; as shown in â€Å"The History Teacher† by Billy Collins who stated, â€Å"the children would leave his classroom for the playground to torment the weak and the smart,† all because â€Å"[the teacher tries] to protect his students’ innocence he told them the Ice Age was really just the Chilly Age, a period of a million years when everyone had to wear sweaters. And the Stone Age became the Gravel Age, named after the long driveways of time,† this demonstrates how not teaching children lessons of the past which are the brood violence’ that others committed in history; by not teaching this history it affects children’s behavior in real life (page 143). Morals are right and wrong many people’s morals will differ; this is why teaching them is tricky because the teacher’s morals might not be the same as the parent’s morals. This is why some of the history in textbooks is sometimes just the summary of what really happened but not enough for the main point to be set across unlike in â€Å"The History Teacher† where, â€Å"the Spanish Inquisition [is] nothing more than an outbreak of questions such as â€Å"How far is it from here to Madrid? †,† and â€Å"the War of the Roses took place in a garden, and the Enola Gay dropped one tiny atom on Japan,† explains when a teacher goes too far in trying to protect student’s mind from bad; when only good is taught and everything else is censored then the students become the opposite; because they do not know the consequences of doing bad, which is why history is taught. As teachers and parents they have to let their students make their own choices as shown in â€Å"From Education† Emerson says, â€Å"it is not for you to choose what he shall know, [or] what he shall do,† shows that sometimes a student needs to find out the consequences the hard way, and let them choose what they want to learn (page 143). Education is needed in modern day society to help students and children grow and help the nation; by giving students proper education the teacher are not really helping the students but they are helping themselves. Teaching creativity helps a student express themselves; respect should be given so the student can give it back; patience is needed to help them understand; morals need to be taught through history so the student will make fewer mistakes; these are essential to a good education and an even better future: as shown by the writings of Billy Collins, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Todd Gitlin.

Monday, October 14, 2019

African American Influences On American Popular Music Cultural Studies Essay

African American Influences On American Popular Music Cultural Studies Essay These days, its not uncommon to hear the fusion of different styles of music. In fact, American music is more integrated than before and showcases different music from around the world. Melding different styles of music was popularly done as early as the twentieth century with the growth of American popular music. One style of music that had major influence on popular music was African American music. At the time, American popular music was burgeoning with different styles of music; each style was distinct in its own right with different rhythms, melodies, textures, and performance styles. From 1930 to 1970, popular music can be traced to black music of the nineteenth and twentieth century as evidenced by the metric organization, scales, instruments, and performing styles that originated from African music. By recapitulating the influences of African American music on popular music, the impact that black music has had on various musical genres is shown. African American music was brought by slaves to the Americas and later adapted to European styles. Later, African American music would incorporate highly syncopated music and the features of ragtime. These features set the stage for more music to be created, and in time many of the characteristics of black music were embedded into other musical genres. In particular, the 1930s-1940s Big Band era; 1930s country music; 1950s-1960s rock, used observable components of African American music. The music was not only influenced by the musical structure of black music, but by the performing styles of musicians. To adopt many of the African-American features, many musicians of the time had to re-invent or improvise the old with something new. These components lead up to the merging of different styles with African-American music. For many people, jazz is pleasant and enjoyable. One of the reasons it is because there are so many different sounds that come together to form this music. In the Big Band era of the 1930s, jazz, or swing, had become popular and incorporated the African elements of syncopation and riffs. Riffs, rhythms, and syncopations are just a few characteristics of African American influence on virtually all music, and jazz music in particular took this influence to a different level. (Campbell 70). What changed was that previously, in the early nineteenth century, ragtime was essentially syncopated music but was more in accordance with marching and piano music. Jazz is highly improvisational, which give way to more sounds and changes in rhythm, melody, and texture. The structure and metric organization of the jazz band was also influenced by African American music. In no other musical genre can one find the call and response style of music that was originated from African American music, and many genres have since borrowed from this method. Many jazz bands used call and response between the players and their instruments. This made the music much livelier, adding to the energy created by the fast- paced flow of jazz that appeared in the twentieth century. Four-beat counts were used in jazz music characteristic of black music in the earlier part of the twentieth century. This was the main foundation for jazz which also used percussions found in ragtime and African drum dance. Country music in the 1930s was a whole different style of music. It prominently featured singers accompanied by simple chords, melodies, stanza forms, and topics. (online). It did however, have understated influences that can be traced back to African-American music. One of the most obvious influences is the use of the banjo, an instrument from Africa used by African Americans during slavery. The banjo has mistakenly been attributed to Western culture and identified in country music despite the fact that it originated in Africa. The delivery of songs in country was inspired by the blues, gospel, and spiritual songs. Jimmie Rodgers, known for his vocal style, used the style of blues throughout a lot of his music, the musical texture of the Carter Family was touched by gospel vocals and harmonies (online), and Hank Williams tragic songs were undoubtedly inspired by the spiritual songs and blues sung by African Americans. Many of these singing styles, textures, instrumentation set the s tandard for country music, aiding in the course of its span in popular music. The 1960s and 1970s music had a different feel to it. Various social, political, and technological movements helped advance music. Rock was not just white music, but black were widely responsible for developing rock music, although met with some oppositions. African Americans influenced a degree of rock music during the 1960s and 1970s, and here is where you can see how singing and performing styles were adopted by the musicians. For example, Elvis Presley was known for having a black feel to his music and performance. He was very popular but was criticized for his true contributions to rock n roll. Many of the songs during that time were cover songs of black musicians, who because of little mainstream acceptance, did not receive the credit they deserved. Although music certainly is about different origins, sounds, and functionalities, it is interesting to see that one style of music has served universally to change the whole landscape of music. Since Africans had to develop their own ways of communicating and celebrating since the beginning of time, these people possibly held the key to a fruitful point of departure for all of music today. We are well on our way to continue this pattern borrowing and influencing music to form new music that is by people all around the world.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Macbeths Power Essay -- essays research papers

Throughout reading the play, Macbeth changes a lot from being a man of loyalty and honesty, to a man of whom is power hungry and greedy. This shows how the more power you receive the more power you want; which in many cases, such as this one leads to destruction. Many of the choices that Macbeth made were influenced by the power that he had, and this power began to take over him. This then lead to greed and destruction of not only others, but himself as well.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the beginning of the play, Macbeth is not in a position of authority yet still receives praise. Although Macbeth is not in a place of power, he is truly content with his life. Macbeth is looked up to and admired for begin so brave and courageous. In the beginning of the play Macbeth comes off as a genuine man who is admired by many people. This is demonstrated by a member of Macbeth’s battalion who refers to Macbeth as â€Å"the great Macbeth.† This man is covered in blood and hurt, yet he still speaks of how noble Macbeth is. This really shows how respected and faithful the citizens are to Macbeth. â€Å"For brave Macbeth he is the one to whom oh so many praise.† (1.2.18), said by the man. Hearing this news of Macbeth is very pleasing to the king, he now sees how noble and commendable Macbeth is, he then decided to give Macbeth the power of being Thane of Cawdor; by doing so he did not know what this decision was going to lead to in the fu ture. The king gave him this power because he saw how fine...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Personal Writing: Fickle Fisherman :: essays research papers

Personal Writing: Fickle Fisherman It was an early Saturday morning, about 6:00am. I was Awake and dressed ready to fish! I had been preparing for the fishing derby for about 1 month and was ready to win. I got to the lake at about 6:30 and started to fish. As the day progressed more and more people showed up. Before noon there was no place to sit around the lake and people couldn't fish. Lines were being crossed and people were getting kind of mad. Beside me was an old, hardened looking man who i just ignored.Then finially i had a bite! I looked at the line and instantly jerked back the rod and reeled as hard as i could. I fought the fish for 5 or 10 min and netted it up. Not a bad catch, it was only a catfish but it was fair sized.But the guy beside me didn't seem to think so he looked at it and gave a little laugh and kept on fishing. I really didn't know what to think, was he laughing at something i didn't see or was there something wrong with my fish? I just disregarded it and continued fishing. Then as i was getting bored and drowsey I heard a yelp and the old man shot up. He had a bite! As he was fighting it he started talking and telling me how to catch a REAL fish not the guppy in my bucket. As he talked and talked the fish got closer and closer and he netted it up and took a look. The fish was about half the size of mine but it was a carp not a catfish. I gave a little laugh and continued and he tried to explain...."well you see boy, a carp is a hell of alot harder to hook than a catfish. Carp don't just eat everything they see, they're very selective. So if I were you I wouldn't laugh to hard just yet". I wasn't to sure if the information was legit but i really doubted it so I just went on with my fishing. It was getting close to weigh-on time so i had to get a better fish. Then the out of all the things that could happen, the old guy gets a fish on his line, and it was a big one! He fought the monster and got it to shore and as he was netting it he fell in the lake. Not in the deep part, only waist deep but I

Friday, October 11, 2019

Mice and men tension Essay

How Does Steinbeck Create Tension in Chapter Three in Of Mice and Men Steinbeck creates tension by making the atmosphere before Curley’s dog gets shot very awkward. He does this by writing about how small noises draw everyone’s attention in the room to it: â€Å"He rippled the edge of the deck nervously, and the little snapping noise drew the eyes of all men in the room, so that he stopped doing it.† This quote gives a sense of tension, since tiny things like rippling cards can drew everyone’s attention. This makes it seem like a very quiet atmosphere. While everyone’s attention is drawn to the small sounds, Candy just stares at the ceiling and eventually rolls over. This makes the reader feel that all Candy can think about is his dog being shot, and this also brings a tense feel. Tension is also created by Steinbeck using the word ‘silence’ to describe the atmosphere of the room leading up to the dog being shot. The characters do not want the silence present, meaning the shot will be heard by Candy. This will increase the awkward atmosphere in the room because no one is quite sure as to how Candy can be comforted. Slim tries to break the silence in the room by telling Candy that he can have one of his puppies. Slim tells Candy that he â€Å"can have any of them pups he wants.† However, Candy refuses to acknowledge his offer, strengthening the already tense atmosphere in the bunkhouse. How Does Steinbeck Create Tension in Chapter Three in Of Mice and Men Steinbeck creates tension by making the atmosphere before Curley’s dog gets shot very awkward. He does this by writing about how small noises draw everyone’s attention in the room to it: â€Å"He rippled the edge of the deck nervously, and the little snapping noise drew the e yes of all men in the room, so that he stopped doing it.† This quote gives a sense of tension, since tiny things like rippling cards can drew everyone’s attention. This makes it seem like a very quiet atmosphere. While everyone’s attention is drawn to the small sounds, Candy just stares at the ceiling and eventually rolls over. This makes the reader feel that all Candy can think about is his dog being shot, and this also brings a tense feel. Tension is also created by Steinbeck using the word ‘silence’ to describe the atmosphere of the room leading up to the dog being shot. The characters do not want the silence present, meaning the shot will be heard by Candy. This will increase the awkward atmosphere in the room because no one is quite sure as to how Candy can be comforted. Slim tries to break the silence in the room by telling Candy that  he can have one of his puppies. Slim tells Candy that he â€Å"can have any of them pups he wants.† However, Candy refuses to acknowledge his offer, strengthening the already tense atmosphere in the bunkhouse. How Does Steinbeck Create Tension in Chapter Three in Of Mice and Men Steinbeck creates tension by making the atmosphere before Curley’s dog gets shot very awkward. He does this by writing about how small noises draw everyone’s attention in the room to it: â€Å"He rippled the edge of the deck nervously, and the little snapping noise drew the eyes of all men in the room, so that he stopped doing it.† This quote gives a sense of tension, since tiny things like rippling cards can drew everyone’s attention. This makes it seem like a very quiet atmosphere. While everyone’s attention is drawn to the small sounds, Candy just stares at the ceiling and eventually rolls over. This makes the reader feel that all Candy can think about is his dog being shot, and this also brings a tense feel. Tension is also created by Steinbeck using the word ‘silence’ to describe the atmosphere of the room leading up to the dog being shot. The characters do not w ant the silence present, meaning the shot will be heard by Candy. This will increase the awkward atmosphere in the room because no one is quite sure as to how Candy can be comforted. Slim tries to break the silence in the room by telling Candy that he can have one of his puppies. Slim tells Candy that he â€Å"can have any of them pups he wants.† However, Candy refuses to acknowledge his offer, strengthening the already tense atmosphere in the bunkhouse. How Does Steinbeck Create Tension in Chapter Three in Of Mice and Men Steinbeck creates tension by making the atmosphere before Curley’s dog gets shot very awkward. He does this by writing about how small noises draw everyone’s attention in the room to it: â€Å"He rippled the edge of the deck nervously, and the little snapping noise drew the eyes of all men in the room, so that he stopped doing it.† This quote gives a sense of tension, since tiny things like rippling cards can drew everyone’s attention. This makes it seem like a very quiet atmosphere. While every one’s attention is drawn to the small sounds, Candy just stares at the ceiling and eventually rolls over. This makes the reader feel that all Candy can think about is his dog being shot, and this also brings a tense feel. Tension is also created by Steinbeck using the word ‘silence’ to describe the atmosphere of the room leading up to the dog being shot. The characters do not want the silence present,  meaning the shot will be heard by Candy. This will increase the awkward atmosphere in the room because no one is quite sure as to how Candy can be comforted. Slim tries to break the silence in the room by telling Candy that he can have one of his puppies. Slim tells Candy that he â€Å"can have any of them pups he wants.† However, Candy refuses to acknowledge his offer, strengthening the already tense atmosphere in the bunkhouse. How Does Steinbeck Create Tension in Chapter Three in Of Mice and Men Steinbeck creates tension by making the atmosphere before Curley’s dog gets shot very awkward. He does this by writing about how small noises draw everyone’s attention in the room to it: â€Å"He rippled the edge of the deck nervously, and the little snapping noise drew the eyes of all men in the room, so that he stopped doing it.† This quote gives a sense of tension, since tiny things like rippling cards can drew everyone’s attention. This makes it seem like a very quiet atmosphere. While everyone’s attention is drawn to the small sounds, Candy just stares at the ceiling and eventually rolls over. This makes the reader feel that all Candy can think about is his dog being shot, and this also brings a tense feel. Tension is also created by Steinbeck using the word ‘silence’ to describe the atmosphere of the room leading up to the dog being shot. The characters do not w ant the silence present, meaning the shot will be heard by Candy. This will increase the awkward atmosphere in the room because no one is quite sure as to how Candy can be comforted. Slim tries to break the silence in the room by telling Candy that he can have one of his puppies. Slim tells Candy that he â€Å"can have any of them pups he wants.† However, Candy refuses to acknowledge his offer, strengthening the already tense atmosphere in the bunkhouse. How Does Steinbeck Create Tension in Chapter Three in Of Mice and Men Steinbeck creates tension by making the atmosphere before Curley’s dog gets shot very awkward. He does this by writing about how small noises draw everyone’s attention in the room to it: â€Å"He rippled the edge of the deck nervously, and the little snapping noise drew the eyes of all men in the room, so that he stopped doing it.† This quote gives a sense of tension, since tiny things like rippling cards can drew everyone’s attention. This makes it seem like a very quiet atmosphere. While everyone’s attention is drawn to the small sounds, Candy just stares at the ceiling and eventually rolls over. This makes the reader feel that all Candy can think about is his dog being shot,  and this also brings a tense feel. Tension is also created by Steinbeck using the word ‘silence’ to describe the atmosphere of the room leading up to the dog being shot. The characters do not want the silence present, meaning the shot will be heard by Candy. This will increase the awkward atmosphere in the room because no one is quite sure as to how Candy can be comforted. Slim tries to break the silence in the room by telling Candy that he can have one of his puppies. Slim tells Candy that he â€Å"can have any of them pups he wants.† However, Candy refuses to acknowledge his offer, strengthening the already tense atmosphere in the bunkhouse. How Does Steinbeck Create Tension in Chapter Three in Of Mice and Men Steinbeck creates tension by making the atmosphere before Curley’s dog gets shot very awkward. He does this by writing about how small noises draw everyone’s attention in the room to it: â€Å"He rippled the edge of the deck nervously, and the little snapping noise drew the eyes of all men in the room, so that he stopped doing it.† This quote gives a sense of tension, since tiny things like rippling cards can drew everyone’s attention. This makes it seem like a very quiet atmosphere. While everyone’s attention is drawn to the small sounds, Candy just stares at the ceiling and eventually rolls over. This makes the reader feel that all Candy can think about is his dog being shot, and this also brings a tense feel. Tension is also created by Steinbeck using the word ‘silence’ to describe the atmosphere of the room leading up to the dog being shot. The characters do not w ant the silence present, meaning the shot will be heard by Candy. This will increase the awkward atmosphere in the room because no one is quite sure as to how Candy can be comforted. Slim tries to break the silence in the room by telling Candy that he can have one of his puppies. Slim tells Candy that he â€Å"can have any of them pups he wants.† However, Candy refuses to acknowledge his offer, strengthening the already tense atmosphere in the bunkhouse. How Does Steinbeck Create Tension in Chapter Three in Of Mice and Men Steinbeck creates tension by making the atmosphere before Curley’s dog gets shot very awkward. He does this by writing about how small noises draw everyone’s attention in the room to it: â€Å"He rippled the edge of the deck nervously, and the little snapping noise drew the eyes of all men in the room, so that he stopped doing it.† This quote gives a sense of tension, since tiny things like rippling cards can drew everyone’s attention. This makes it seem like a  very quiet atmosphere. While everyone’s attention is drawn to the small sounds, Candy just stares at the ceiling and eventually rolls over. This makes the reader feel that all Candy can think about is his dog being shot, and this also brings a tense feel. Tension is also created by Steinbeck using the word ‘silence’ to describe the atmosphere of the room leading up to the dog being shot. The characters do not want the silence present, meaning the shot will be heard by Candy. This will increase the awkward atmosphere in the room because no one is quite sure as to how Candy can be comforted. Slim tries to break the silence in the room by telling Candy that he can have one of his puppies. Slim tells Candy that he â€Å"can have any of them pups he wants.† However, Candy refuses to acknowledge his offer, strengthening the already tense atmosphere in the bunkhouse.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Hi-Value Supermarkets: Every Day Low Pricing Case Study Essay

Problem Statement Hi-Value Supermarkets located in the Centralia, Missouri area are faced with the problem of deciding whether or not to change their sales strategy to everyday low pricing. This has become an important subject for Hi-Value due to their loss in sales of the last few quarters, and a possible future loss in market share in their area. Hi-Value has three stores in the Centralia area and all are perceived as having a high market value in comparison to its competitors. They has attempted to determine the strengths and weaknesses in accordance to its competitors by conducting a survey and two focus groups which provided some very key results. Going further into this problem we must also assess whether all products within the stores should entail everyday low pricing, and if not all which ones. We must also determine how much lower the standard price will be set for all products in order to be considered everyday low pricing. The survey and focus groups also identified that the variety of pro ducts the consumers are looking for are not present as well, and that must also be assessed. Situational analysis Hi-Value Supermarkets have multiple key strengths with their current position in the Centralia market, and they must be considered when determining their next moves to attack this current problem. Having three locations within the Centralia area is a huge benefit with covering multiple geographic sectors. Especially when there is no other competing supermarket chain with that many stores in the area. The fact that they have had a strong market share from 1995 to 2002 with an estimated 23% share of the market in 2002 is also very important. Hi-Value is in the position where all they need to do is at the very least sustain their current positions and any increase in market share is just a bonus. Being the oldest supermarket in the Centralia area is a key strength because it makes them a well known and identifiable name. Their high quality products sets a standard that some of their competitors do not have building an important reputation within the community. Survey and focus groups ma de it very prevalent that most consumers think that their stores are very well put together, sanitary, and  up to date. Descriptions of other competing stores did not entail the same qualities which helps in consumer preference especially because they are purchasing consumable products. Although Hi-Value has many key strengths, there are still some attributes that hinder their chances of success in multiple sectors. Obviously their current pricing strategy is the largest problem for the store. Although their products are of high quality and most consumers seem aware of this, the high prices in many categories may not seem worth the trade off. From the survey of 400 Centralia residents 30% said Hi-Value prices were above average. The size of their supermarkets also poses as a weakness because they are smaller in comparison to many competitors which leads to less space for products. This means that it is more likely that a product has a higher chance of not being stocked and the consumer does not have as much variety to choose from. Each store has been renovated throughout the years, but they are still located in older buildings which does hinder their public image. With their current position, the company has multiple opportunities to focus on that could lead to future success. As the present time, there is not one food store in Centralia who advertises on television. By starting an advertising campaign after the decision on changes to be done to the store, Hi-Value has the ability to publicly announce their updated policies via television making the entire centralia sector aware. The ability to expand each store is also an option that may be worth investing in. Lack in variety was a very prevalent weakness that consumers pointed out and this could solve that problem. Centralia is also a very high traffic trade area in central Missouri leaving Hi-Value with a high opportunity to gain a larger consumer base if they make the right decisions to increase market desirability. There are three major competing stores within the Centralia area that must all be assessed and compared to when determining the right moves for Hi-Value to make. Harrison’s, Grand America, and Missouri Mart are all very different Supermarkets with a variety of strengths and weaknesses. As explained in its description, Harrison’s has a very positive image in the  eyes of its customers. Their store is 50,000 square feet which is over twice the size of Hi-Value’s average size. This gives them room to hold a very wide range of general merchandise. Their current strategy is also everyday low prices and survey results prove that consumers believe they have the lowest everyday prices which gives a current competitive edge. Grand America is a 39,800 square feet supermarket and has the newest building making it the most modern store in Centralia. The store is considered by Hall officials as a secondary competitor being highly regimented and lack innovative merchandising appeal. Their greatest product strength is the dairy department which is highly regarded by its customers. One thing to consider with this supermarket is that their competitive pricing strategy entails listing prices of their competitors for individual items. Missouri Mart is the food volume sales leader in Centralia. They are the main competitor of Superior supermarkets. Around 32% of Hi-Value customers shop Missouri Mart regularly and must be taken in the highest consideration when analysing competitors within the market. It is also important to note the key findings gathered from the two focus groups. Price was determined by both groups as the most important factor in store choice explaining a lot in the loss of market share that Hi-Value is facing. 20 of 24 participants also agreed that the quality of meat was the second factor in store choice. Hi-Value is ranked as a medium between its competitors. Produce quality, variety, and display is ranked third in importance and Hi-Value was ranked in the lower tier of those categories. Hi-Values best attribute in accordance to the focus group is their shopper convenience. Recommendation and Implementation My recommendation for Hi-Value is to remodel and expand all of their stores and implement an Everyday low pricing strategy. This strategy will be very costly upfront, but Hi-Value has been an existing store for a long time and in order to continue their existence they must evolve with current trends in the market. The two main problems that keep coming up are their lack in variety and high pricing. This recommendation would cover both problems and give them the ability to begin gaining market share from their competitors once again. This is definitely a strategy built for the long term and the  benefits may not be as noticeable at the very beginning, but it should be the most beneficial option for the future of the company. Multiple steps will be made in order for this strategy to become a reality. Each store must go through a construction process to expand and gain space which will take time and a possible loss in sales for the time being. This public construction will definitely be noticed by the consumers, and may help gain awareness of the companies changes. Updates in all store accessories should be implemented if necessary. This will increase efficiency for all aspects of the store and with a predicted increase in customer traffic it will be a necessary expense. Everyday low pricing should be set at a competitive level near Grand American and Missouri Mart prices but not to the point at which perceived quality is compromised. Due to each of its competitors having different strengths, it would be best to provide this pricing strategy for all products in the Supermarket. As stated in the text everyday low pricing also has the possibility of lowering operating costs with reduced inventory and handlin g costs due to more steady and predictable demand. It may also reduce labor costs related to less frequent temporary price reductions. It is also an option to conduct a local television commercial promoting Hi-Values positive new changes, but the possibility of this happening is determinant of how much expansion will end up costing.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Attending a Performance of the Ottawa Symphony Orchestra

The performance I participated in was Prometheus' s prelude, the performances of the Ottawa Symphony Orchestra, Beethoven 's performance, Kodari orchestra' s performance, Italian Harold 's performance, Berlioz' s performance. I think that the orchestra is hosted by David Currie, and overall it worked out very well. The stages and the stages on both sides of the stage were lit up brightly and the musicians arranged semicircles around the podium. Strings in the back row are attached to risers and high stools. The first concert I participated was by the Dallas Symphony Orchestra. The orchestra performed Shostakovich's Symphony No. 7, Leningrad from the romantic era. The orchestra is a large orchestra (1) containing various instruments that contribute to the overall sound of the instrument. Since the orchestra is a big orchestra like a musical instrument that is common in romantic times, the orchestra can be full of activity, perhaps vibrant (2). The orchestra has changed a bit ... Read more General reaction: The concert I participated is SPX Magic for Christmas by Charlotte Symphony Orchestra by Albert-George Schram director. This is the first professional orchestral concert I participated and the first concert I studied at UNC Greensboro. When I was walking down the street in downtown Charlotte, the wind blew my face and small raindrops were thrown into the air. It looks like Christmas. As a music major at the University of California at Berkeley, I was lucky enough to participate in the concert of the UCB Symphony Orchestra for free. I often participate in the performance and regularly study the music and history related to the orchestra performance, but I will never be surprised by the complexity and beauty of that orchestra. Not only is this instrument completely harmonious, it synchronizes speed and dynamics to create great performance. Listening to these wonderful musicians is almost impossible to believe that such playing is coincidence or coincidence. Comp osers and musicians did not throw random notes in the air, but randomly scattered them into the music staff. Instead, each instrument is precisely adjusted to 440 Hz, and each musician follows certain notes and descriptions of a particular musical score. These memos were written by the composers with contemplation and planning, and the composer may work for these masterpieces for months or years.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Lasting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Lasting - Essay Example â€Å"Lost Your Head Blues† is a blues song popularized by Bessie Smith in 1926. It is composed in an AAB format, characteristic for blues songs. This song is written based on a â€Å"vaudeville† or solo stage performance, which is very common during the 1920s. The songs talks about painful relationships and difficult circumstances. The song reflects the typical musical taste and genre of the African American population and heritage. â€Å"Lost Your Head Blues† uses only three instruments: piano, vocals, and trumpet. Most blues songs are composed or played using these musical instruments because during the vaudeville times or stage style blues period, these instruments are nearly ubiquitous because of the rise of the ragtime music in the 1920s. The song starts with an introduction of a trumpet with an accompanying piano that combines with the singer’s voice. The trumpet makes some bending of tones and melodic layback. On the other hand, â€Å"Erlkonig† is typically sung or played using vocals or piano or both as it was originally adapted, particularly by Franz Schubert. Nevertheless, nowadays, this song is performed in a concerto-style performance with a soloist, usually a soprano, accompanied by a symphony

Monday, October 7, 2019

FBI case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

FBI case study - Essay Example FBI only hires the crà ¨me of people who are perfectly capable in all aspects for the job. But for some people, this process might be too rigorous and tough to worth trying for. Another disadvantage is that it does not test the social behaviour of a candidate. For a job that appeals rewarding to me, I will try my utmost to get it irrespective of how long and rigorous the screening process is. FBI agent is a job that some people are highly passionate about. No doubt the long and screening process turn some people off, but if someone is passionate about the job, I believe for that person it will be a positive challenge to pass through all the hurdles and become an FBI special agent. I am a person whose need for achievement is very high. Therefore, passing the process and getting into FBI will help me attain that sense of achievement. FBI can do various things to make people accept the job offers. First of all they should increase salaries, give fringe benefits; give security to the FBI agents’ families. Apart from that, FBI should do good employer branding to attract excellent candidates. When an organization promotes itself for getting employees, and communicates how noble the work is, people naturally get attracted towards the job

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 16

Ethics - Essay Example The Chinese civilization focused on agriculture. Taoism and Confucianism acted as the two main schools of thoughts and Chinese philosophy. The interaction of Chinese civilization with nature has led its people to gain an appreciation and admiration towards nature (Gao, 2012). The Chinese culture highly value nature. The valuing of nature in this culture results from emotional influences. Chinese art such as gardening, landscape painting and poetry has a close relationship with nature. This shows that the pursuit of nature with harmony is a constant event and effort in Chinese cultural practice and philosophy. The Chinese culture views nature as a self-generating process of reproduction and production of life. The Chinese economy heavily relies on manufacturing and exporting, which leads to immense environmental degradation. Additionally, China has made huge investments in the exploitation of natural resources in Asia and African countries. This also leads to massive environmental degradation because of overexploitation. The interactions of Chinese societies with nature are influenced by the concept of chi that plays a crucial role in Chinese philosophy. The concepts of chi and empathy immensely influence the Chinese appreciation of nature. Chinese philosophy views nature as an organic system that is continuously self-generating. The concept of chi is essential in the ethical interaction and appreciation of nature. Chi contains both spiritual and material meaning (Gao, 2012). Cheng Chung-Ying states that chi contains epistemological, metaphysical and scientific theory and aesthetic dimension (Cheng, 1986, 356). Chi has characteristic features that are closely interconnected. These features are creativity, emptiness and continuity. Continuity means that chi is the basic component that makes everything. Therefore, all spaces and things are